CDH International Foundation Helps Humans and Animals


CDHIFI’s Village Program

Chandi Heffner serves as president of both CDHIF USA and CDHIFI, both of which are nonprofit foundations. Under Chandi Heffner’s direction, CDHIFI offers free care to humans and animals in India without disturbing the traditions and culture of the local people.

Among the many programs offered by CDHIFI is its Village Program. Through the Daily Village Program for Humans, the organization sends doctors, a pharmacist, and support personnel to interior villages to provide care for those who are poor. The physicians conduct exams and rapid diagnostic tests, then write prescriptions, which the pharmacist fills on-site. The team also provides bandages and dresses wounds, as well as administers albendazole, which is used to treat infections resulting from worms.

Through CDHIFI’s Daily Village Program for Animals, the organization’s veterinarians examine and treat animals, write prescriptions when further medication is needed, and administer vaccines. Further, the team conducts fecal and blood samples to assist the veterinarians with diagnosis. As with the human program, the team’s pharmacist fills any prescriptions on-site.

Theileriosis Is a Cause of Cattle Death in Asia




Chandi Heffner leads the US-based CDH International Foundation (CDHIF) in providing funds and support to the CHD International Foundation India, which serves the Indian community through a variety of programs. Services delivered by CDHIF India include medical programs to treat a variety of diseases affecting animals and people. Ailments treated by CDHIF India, with help from Chandi Heffner’s organization, include theileriosis.

Caused by the blood-borne parasite theileria, theileriosis exclusively affects cattle and often results in the widespread death of livestock in areas where it is active. The parasite is most frequently transmitted through cattle ticks, which pass the disease from one animal to the next.

Cattle that become infected by strains of the theileria parasite in Asia develop symptoms such as lethargy, weakness, gum discoloration, and lack of appetite. Infected cattle also may display signs of fever and anemia in addition to enlarged lymph nodes. Furthermore, the parasite is particularly fatal to calves, and pregnant cattle may abort or give birth to stillborn infants. Treatment requires preventative tick control and early diagnosis due to the reduced effectiveness of vaccines in advanced stages of the disease. Veterinarians also recommend extended periods of rest in a minimally stressful environment, as movement and stress tend to exacerbate the disease’s progression and lead to death in advanced stages.

The Indian Pariah Dog – One of the World’s First Domesticated Breeds

Indian pariah dog

Indian pariah dog


Chandi Heffner is the president and founder of CDH International Foundation (CDHIF), a US-based organization that supports humanitarian, medical, and animal service projects for the private nonprofit society CDHIF India. Under Chandi Heffner’s leadership, CDHIF provides funding and support to a number of animal programs that benefit work animals, beloved pets, and stray dogs. India’s stray dog populations largely consists of individuals descended from an indigenous breed known as the Indian pariah dog.

Also known as the Indian Native dog or INDog for short, the Indian pariah is found throughout India and Bangladesh and possesses a history that dates back thousands of years. The dogs appear in numerous mythology stories and local folklore, and are generally regarded as one of the first domesticated breeds to serve as human companions. Additionally, some researchers consider the Indian pariah as the ancestors of the Australian dingo, the Israeli Canaan dog, and the New Guinea singing dog. Their traditional roles include hunting cohorts and companion animals to the people of India. Explicit details concerning the breed’s initial domestication, however, remain unknown.

Indian pariah dogs typically demonstrate even temperaments that make them sociable and friendly with people and other dogs, although they do not always tolerant pets of other species. Adaptable and easygoing, they do well in a variety of home environments provided they receive proper socialization and training as puppies. They also require a significant amount of exercise and mental stimulation due to their high energy level and intelligence. Appearance-wise, Indian pariah dogs resemble short-haired spitz breeds with pointed ears, a curled tail, almond-shaped eyes, and double-coat fur that ranges from brown to reddish-brown.

How to Approach a Stray Dog

Stray Dog pic

Stray Dog

Chandi Heffner founded the philanthropic organization CDHIFI in 1998 and continues to serve as president. Both in her professional life and away from work, Chandi Heffner enjoys engaging in charitable efforts, such as addressing the growing homeless animal population.

Counting the total number of stray and homeless animals throughout the United States is an essentially impossible task. Estimates for cats alone can reach up to 70 million. Charitable individuals or animal lovers may find themselves in a situation where they feel like they must reach out and help a stray that has come across their path. There are a few tips to keep in mind when attempting to take in or help a homeless animal.

Stray cats and dogs are often spotted on the side of the road as a person is driving. If this is the case, the driver must be careful not to cause an accident. Not only is this unsafe for the human and other drivers, but the commotion will likely drive the animal away. Instead, remember to take all normal precautions such as using a turn signal and locating a legal parking space somewhere near the animal.

From this point on, a person must proceed with absolute caution. A stray, sick, or injured animal can be frightened and either act with hostility or, more often, take flight from the situation. Individuals should first take stock of the situation from their car. If the animal appears safe to approach, a person must do so very slowly and in a calm manner. If the animal appears to be severely injured, calling animal control is a must. The best a person can do until their arrival is keep the animal away from the road and use a soft, soothing voice to help keep the animal at ease until help arrives.

Before Bringing a Rescue Dog Into Your Home

Rescue Dog pic

Rescue Dog

Chandi Heffner is the founding president of CDHIFI. Over the last 17 years in this position, Chandi Heffner has led the organization in its efforts to help impoverished populations and their animals.

Rescuing a dog from the local animal shelter is a great way to combat the growing homeless pet problem while also introducing another loving presence to one’s home. However, even experienced dog owners may run into unexpected situations when introducing a shelter dog to a new home. In order to prevent unwanted behavior that might result in the dog being returned to the shelter, there are a few steps that must be taken before the dog even arrives.

First, owners should know exactly where the animal will be spending the majority of its time. Even older, house-broken dogs may forget their training due to the stress and excitement of the new space, so keep this in mind when choosing a location. Owners intending to crate train their dog should have the crate set up and placed wherever the dog will be sleeping.

Similarly, individuals must dog-proof their home as if in preparation for a puppy. Again, even the oldest, most mild-mannered rescue dogs may forget their training in the days and weeks following adoption. The dog will both be overjoyed to have a new family and nervous in a completely new setting, two emotions that can result in chewing and other unwanted behavior. Finally, owners should establish a list of commands that all family members can use in order to begin training from the first moment of arrival.